Global Leaders in IP Licensing
Vectis provides innovative IP licensing solutions that create great value for everyone involved. We have extensive experience in all facets of IP licensing and a great understanding of the licensing landscape, and our IP licensing solutions are constantly breaking new ground.
As Featured in IAM’s Strategy 300 Global Leaders
IAM says: “Giustino de Sanctis more than keeps pace with the evolving licensing landscape – he is helping to build an environment for advanced approaches that create great value for everyone involved. An innovative thinker, he is constantly breaking new ground.”
Leading the Way to Licensing 2.0
Licensing 2.0 is the next paradigm and Vectis is leading the way with a portfolio of platforms and programs that are poised to shape the future of licensing.
What is Licensing 2.0?
Licensing 2.0 is a new approach to IP licensing that moves beyond pure monetisation or mitigation by establishing multi-sided and collaborative platforms that offer licensors and licensees new ways to meet their IP needs.
By aligning the transactional interests of licensors and licensees, IP platforms establish scalable and value-based ecosystems that are systematically enhanced over time as additional participants join.
Licensing Platforms
Vectis partners with key industry stakeholders to design bespoke licensing platforms that establish new IP possibilities and opportunities.
Licensing Programs
Vectis partners with key technology leaders to design specific technology programs that accelerate the adoption of standardized and non-standardized technologies.
Our Licensing Platforms & Programs
“Vectis and its interdisciplinary team are uniquely positioned to help your organisation capture the value of your IP portfolios. We have collaborated with Vectis over the recent years and always enjoy their innovative and creative solutions.”
-SVP & Deputy General Counsel, U.S Fortune Global 500 Technology Company